Friday 8 February 2013

For our next project we had a choice of three competition briefs. I was drawn to D&AD more than any of the others and was able to pick from a range of briefs. I chose L'Artisan Parfumeur and the challenge was to create designs for a new unisex range of scents. Those scents included;

  • Passion and desire. Sex and lust. Raw and physical.
  • Perfect sublime love. An interior emotion.
  • Excitement and fear. Adrenaline, exhilaration and thrill.
  • Elegant and dignified. Stormy yet still.

When picking this brief I was excited to get started as it is something iv never done before but really appealed to me. I started off by creating a sense of place, collecting pictures/anything that I felt showed these emotions. I researched the brand and looked at what the current design of the bottles were. I also looked at other brands of perfume that had created unisex fragrances to get a feel of what other bottles existed. From this I went on to draw rough ideas for perfume bottles and thought about colours that would work with the four emotions. 

After a few weeks of sketching and trying to think of ideas, I just wasnt getting anywhere with it and found myself a little stumped by the whole thing. Within the brief it says "traditional french fragrance houses are steeped in a rich history of style and imagery. L'Artisan Parfumeur wants to break with this convention." and that the challenge is to showcase the range by breaking the rules of conventional perfume packaging. It then goes on to say that you must retain the quality, craftsmanship and authenticity that L'Artisan Parfumeur is known for. From looking at the existing bottles, they all looked very similair, most of them being the same shape and colour. So to me it seemed as if they were asking to create something to break the rules and be completely different, but then restricting you by saying you need to keep the authenticity that they are known for.

Seeing as the brief had me at a bit of a stand still, me and my tutor both decided to forget about what they were asking and just design bottles that I wanted to.