Friday 8 November 2013

Work update

From all the research I did I decided to start with trips iv been on and places iv actually been to. I gravitated towards New York and Miami first as I have a lot of collected things I can use for it and so I have started collaging and using my own photographs.

 I will definitely be doing some work on Prague as we will be going there for our residential soon. Im going to take my sketchbook everywhere and just get anything and everything in there. I want to use it as a travel journal of some sort, then see what I can do with it when I get back.
Iv also just come across this on (yes, I'm waffling on about him again) Roderick Mills blog which I felt I needed to put on here as I literally share the same view!

"I use sketchbooks when travelling to gain in impression of a place, whether these be drawings, or writing down thoughts for myself, a means of documenting my experience of a place."

This is exactly what I love doing, documenting everything even if its just the food we ate or how cold it was that day. Im looking forward to getting back from Prague and hopefully having lots to work with! Though at the moment I am focusing my project about a range of different places, things might change along the way, as Prague will be the most fresh in my head, I may choose to focus on that, but we shall see!

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