Monday 10 February 2014

Major Project (Update 3)

Heres some examples of how I tried to make my paintings stand out more and what worked and what didn't. So this first picture is an example of what didn't work! Painting and then drawing over in pen…it just doesn't look good and I really didn't like the look of this at all!

Here is an example of using stencils and doing the layers separately. It works so much better and there is no other outline needed. Waiting for the paint to dry before starting to paint over is really important too, that sounds really obvious and simple but I kept just doing it all in one go and the paints would all run but I just went with it, I didn't realise how much better it could look, just takes patience! 



I also did separate layers so I can put them together digitally on photoshop and see if that works even better…this was the digital outcome…


The one on the left is the separate squares I painted and then put together on photoshop, I didn't really like this and prefer the hand rendered one much better (the one on the right, though I edited the colours a little)

Again, just another example…the first is using no stencils and not waiting for the paint to dry...


And here, I've used stencils and waited for the paint to dry before adding more to it, this still needs a little more colour I think but just the top looks a lot better than the previous I think!


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