Sunday 20 April 2014


Website, (pretty much) done! Though I think I want to change the design of it possibly, but I'm worried everything will delete! I've tried not to bombard it with work, but I will still be adding to it.

Friday 18 April 2014

Major Project (Update 7)

Started to think about what I'm going to have as my final pieces, I want to make a collection of party favours so greetings cards, party bags, invites, party hats, bunting, wrapping paper etc. These are just examples and not exactly the designs that will be the final pieces, just some ideas!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Hopes, Fears and Opportunities

Looking at my last post on Hopes, Fears and Opportunities, I'd say I still feel relatively the same about everything, some things have changed but not massively. I'm obviously still yet to know what grade I've come out with so I can't really comment on that. I'd say my confidence has improved quite a bit, so thats good! Though as the final major project is coming to an end I am getting a little less confident in how good its going to look, just feel like there is a lot of pressure (duh, cuz there is) and hoping I can produce something I'm proud of at the end of it all. This year in general hasn't got off to the greatest start personally and thats definitely affected my work, which is unfortunate but can't be helped I suppose, just terrible timing. One of my fears was that my work wouldn't be up to standard, which is still a worry if I'm honest. I guess I won't know until all my work is printed properly and I've decided on what I'm using as my final pieces but I feel like thats always a constant worry! I also changed my idea of doing 2 projects and stuck with one, though it did change direction half way through but I wouldn't class them as two separate projects. So all in all, I do feel better than I did before Christmas (which is when the last post was about Hopes & Fears) but of course, I still have the same worries from time to time. I don't really know what will happen after I graduate, everyone keeps asking "what are you doing after uni?" and my answer is still "I don't know!!!" or "a year long holiday". But no in all seriousness, maybe I'll look into getting a studio with some friends or something, I'm not sure yet, I really have no idea what I want to do, since doing this final project I'm definitely interested in making greetings cards etc, so that could be something?
Though I don't really know what I'd do with that. We will have to see I guess! At the moment, as long as I get to graduation, I will be happy :).

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Creative Process

I wanted to share this as its something I always struggle with. When I look at some of my favourite illustrators work I always envy how amazing it is and its easy to think thats the first version they did and it came out perfect, or that it wasn't that hard for them to get to that final piece. But obviously, its not, everyone makes mistakes and has to do rough things before getting to the final outcome. I follow Kelly Thompson on Instagram and she posted this and I thought it was very accurate and made me feel better that this is exactly how she feels because its how I do most of the time!

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Major Project (Update 6)

I started to make my own little hand drawn invites but its so hit and miss with watercolour, it could easily go so wrong so I think I'm going to carry on doing things separately and then put them together on Photoshop, because its too risky doing hand drawn ones as the first things I do usually aren't the ones I use anyway. Going to print out my final pieces on to water colour print paper so it doesn't lose the effect of the paint on normal paper.

Friday 4 April 2014

Liz Earle Post Packaging

Jo was ever so kind as to give me this Liz Earle letter that was originally posted through her door! I love the type and the cute illustrations dotted around it. It definitely inspired me, thanks Jo! (And Liz Earle) After seeing this I popped into google "Liz Earle illustrator" and clicked on the first thing that came up…though I don't think I found the person who did this, I did find this illustrator!
She works with watercolour so obviously I'm automatically a fan…she paints mostly people and has worked with clients such as Kurt Geiger, Ciate, Umberto Giannini and many more.

Monday 31 March 2014

Portfolio Visit - Day Job Collective

When visiting London, we met with some of the guys from Day Job Collective. It was really good to meet them as they are also recently (ish) graduated so it was nice to see what they've been up to and what they did after uni (which was obviously, create this collective!) They collaborate on big group projects and they're work is just wonderful.

They were all so lovely and I really liked the space they worked in! I think its a really great idea to get together with other people after uni and work as a team, have a studio space etc. This is something they said was definitely a positive thing, getting a studio together. Its good because you can have people with different skills and all come together as one and also help motivate each other.
A few of the girls had a look at our portfolios and their comments/advice on mine were to carry on this "greeting card/party favours" thing I'm doing at the moment, but maybe include different occasions as all the work in there is mostly birthday stuff, they suggested throwing some other things in there so it shows I do other things! I agree with this and shall be exploring things such as wedding invites next! They also said it looks slightly graphicy because of the typography. One question asked was how they stayed motivated after graduating? They mentioned about entering competitions which of course, gives you something to work towards and also possibly gets your work noticed and out there! And again, getting a studio together with a few of you motivates you as well.