Wednesday 16 April 2014

Hopes, Fears and Opportunities

Looking at my last post on Hopes, Fears and Opportunities, I'd say I still feel relatively the same about everything, some things have changed but not massively. I'm obviously still yet to know what grade I've come out with so I can't really comment on that. I'd say my confidence has improved quite a bit, so thats good! Though as the final major project is coming to an end I am getting a little less confident in how good its going to look, just feel like there is a lot of pressure (duh, cuz there is) and hoping I can produce something I'm proud of at the end of it all. This year in general hasn't got off to the greatest start personally and thats definitely affected my work, which is unfortunate but can't be helped I suppose, just terrible timing. One of my fears was that my work wouldn't be up to standard, which is still a worry if I'm honest. I guess I won't know until all my work is printed properly and I've decided on what I'm using as my final pieces but I feel like thats always a constant worry! I also changed my idea of doing 2 projects and stuck with one, though it did change direction half way through but I wouldn't class them as two separate projects. So all in all, I do feel better than I did before Christmas (which is when the last post was about Hopes & Fears) but of course, I still have the same worries from time to time. I don't really know what will happen after I graduate, everyone keeps asking "what are you doing after uni?" and my answer is still "I don't know!!!" or "a year long holiday". But no in all seriousness, maybe I'll look into getting a studio with some friends or something, I'm not sure yet, I really have no idea what I want to do, since doing this final project I'm definitely interested in making greetings cards etc, so that could be something?
Though I don't really know what I'd do with that. We will have to see I guess! At the moment, as long as I get to graduation, I will be happy :).

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