Wednesday 10 April 2013


Three peices of advice to myself;

  • Don't give up after the first couple of tries/make mistakes/don't be so hard on yourself- I have a tendency to give up straight away if the first few things I draw don't work. I need to learn that its okay to make mistakes and have confidence in my work. Sometimes my "give up straight away if it doesn't work" attitude really stops me from progressing. 

  • Don't leave things until the last minute - Though I have got slightly better at managing my time, Im far from where I want to be in terms of how much time I put into my work. This also connects to the first point I made, because I give up easily, when iv got less time to complete my work it puts more pressure on me to get it right, then I end up doing something just for the sake of having something finished instead of being pleased with the final outcome.

  • Don't compare yourself too much- I think I compare myself too much, which also makes me feel like giving up sometimes. Its silly, everyone compares themselves and it shouldn't stop you from doing your work. I also need to remember that the work I see, isn't someones first try, that wasn't the first piece of work they did, they probably have a sketchbook full of mistakes and it would of taken them quite a bit of time to get to the finished piece.

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