Monday 9 September 2013


Wahhhh the time has come, final year is officially upon us, how an earth has it gone that fast? Anyway, for my summer project I decided to do the "Non Place" brief. We had to pick between two choices within this brief, "illustrator" or "authorstrator". Im usually more drawn towards being an illustrator as I work better with more direction and sometimes get stuck and a bit lost when I have to come up with my own ideas. But I was more interested in the authorstrator choice this time. It was about Marc Auge's book "Non Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity" who refers to the phrase "non-place" as places of transience that do not hold enough significance to be regarded as "places" for example, airports, train stations, a hotel room etc.
I got the book from the library and read it, I also took some photos of non places. I started drawing some figures, "typical" people you see at the airport, things like that. But Id say none of these were successful really, though I only really drew them because Im not very confident drawing perspectively!

^^^^^ unsuccessful work ^^^^^

I started to look into artists that have worked with theme of "non places" and in particular Lisa Chandler

I really liked the way the figures are painted, they look like they are just floating through which is exactly what non places are supposed to be, not significant, just places of transience. This has influenced me to start drawing and painting a bit more relaxed, painting outlines of the people in non places...I shall update with what iv done soon!

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