Saturday 16 November 2013

Prague 2013

So our trip to Prague was pretty amazing?! Iv never been to somewhere so beautiful, the architecture, the scenery, even the pavements were nice to look at! Even if you were just strolling down the street, there was always something interesting to look at and everything just looked (at risk of sounding like a complete girl) ...pretty! Truly an amazing place that I need to re-visit. It was a weird feeling when it all came to an end as it was our last residential trip ever (which is devastating, don't even get me started)  so obviously it was a bit sad but at the same time I had so so much fun and it really was such a great trip!

During our 4 days in Prague, we went to the Sedlec Ossuary (after many trains and knocking on someones door for directions) which was really good, glad we got to see it. We got to do a workshop with Irina Kaygorodova which was amazing! I loved that (separate post to come for that). We went to the Mucha museum which again, amazing, the work in there was literally breathtaking. We had a lecture on posters from the Terry Posters collection which was really cool. In our free time we went to the castle, Charles Bridge, the John Lennon wall and consumed a hell of a lot of bread/pastries/beer- it was really good. And of course on the last night, we all went out for dinner (all the students that came and all the tutors) and then out to a bar after that, it was literally so fun I wish I could do it over and over again! I think Gary summed it up pretty well…

(Hahahaha, brilliant!)

All the trips we've been on during our time at uni have been amazing and iv experienced some amazing things and been to some incredible places. Im so happy and grateful iv been able to go on all the residentials, I think its so important to take advantage of these trips, to see some amazing places and to mix with other people in the course (I think thats one of the most important things, some of my best friends on the course I got to know because of this). Without sounding too cheesy, its more than just going to a different country and getting told to go to a few museums, we've had the chance to meet some amazing illustrators/art directors, even go into their houses?! We would never get the opportunity to do that on our own. So many cool things we wouldn't of been able to do if it wasn't for these trips. So for that, I am truly grateful! (Okay, getting cheesy now)

I'll finish this post with some photos and a short video of our time and Prague, I think it sums it up pretty well :)

{one of many beautiful buildings}

{Gary throwing some shapes}

{the view from the castle}

{standard tourist pic}

{some of the John Lennon wall}

 {Irina Kaygorodova doing her thanggg}

{the "I don't know where we are" look}

{the cathedral}

{one of many "dance offs" on the last night}

{the main square, so beautiful ahhh}

{some traditional food at the group meal}

{Wenceslas square by night}

{the cutest, parisian looking pizzeria with amazingly cheap pizza and also 2 guys playing the violin/paino}

{upside down man/horse/thing?}

{Sedlec Ossuary}

{beers with our tutor!}

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