Thursday 31 October 2013

8x8 Launch night

On Wednesday 30th October, us illustrators and the authors of the short stories gathered at Manchester School of Art for the launch night of the 8x8 book. We all got a chance to talk along side our author about our illustrations and it was a really lovely night! It was kinda scary talking in front of everyone and my cheeks definitely stayed bright pink/red for the whole thing but I enjoyed it! It felt very weird but exciting to see my work in a real, actual book!? Felt like a proper illustrator. Also, really proud of my fellow classmates as everything looked amazing and thanks to the authors and tutors and everyone that made it possible really. (ps; props to the guys who wore suits)

Thursday 17 October 2013

Updated work #2 - None Place -

This is where my work has got to from the previous update post. Iv been using mainly type, watercolour, figures and collage then putting them into Photoshop. I feel better about my work and much more confident than I have before, some of them are hit and miss but I think there is more of a feel that I'm going in the right way (I hope!). The thing I keep having to be careful of doing is making my work too "quiet", things can get lost because nothing jumps out at you, not that I want it to look too in your face but sometimes I'm not aware of it because iv been looking at it for too long! Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to point out that there needs to be a bit more punch to it. I think a good example to look back on is my 8x8 work as that was once too quiet but when I added some blocks of colour and a mix of different lines it looked much better. Iv used the same sort of colour pallet through out the project, I actually think these colours are what I use through out most of my work anyway, they're quite feminine but muted so they're not too overly girly.