Thursday 18 October 2012

3D Model

When I found out we had to create a 3D model, I did get a little worried, as 3D/Sculpture etc has never been my strong point. I did panic a little at the thought of having to make something, but after talking about the different options of 3D, it didn't seem all that scary. I hear 3D and I automatically think woodwork, workshops, noisy machines, no, no, no! Anyway, at first I was thinking about making something fabric based, but then the thought of making something out of a found object came to me. My initial thought was to do something with Barbies (okay, dolls from the pound shop). I didn't know how well it would work out, but I think it went pretty well in the end (I hope!).
I wanted to create some sort of dress made out of paper/newspaper/tissue...I wanted this kind of texture/look in a dress...

At first I got a little carried away with wanting to make it pretty and typically "fairy like" sequins, glitter, that sort of thing, which I did indeed use, but I had to keep remembering the bit of the story that says "Such fortunes hold their perils; a Fairy, once its whim is satisfied, may deal death to its lovers." which made me think about putting a darker twist on the doll. I did this by making her have a somewhat "gothic" look. I also didn't want to just stick a standard dolls dress her, I wanted to make something that would look worn and eroded, something less pretty.

In doing this it reminded me of what I did for my final piece at A Level...

After I had done my first doll, I got a little obsessed and went straight out to buy another! I could seriously sit and make a collection of these just for fun.

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