Friday 19 October 2012


I decided to go down the screen printing path as a pose to animation. I had never screen printed before and the process looked a little daunting, but I was definitely up for trying it out! My first experience was printing on a scarf (just a play around with printing, nothing serious). My choice was between printing my designs on a scarf or as a wallpaper. I was really indecisive as to what to do (on my project proposal you will see the words scarf and wallpaper written about 5 times, all scribbled out, oops) but I decided to do a wallpaper. I literally had no idea where to start, I looked at wallpaper patterns to get a feel for it, but most of them were intricate, detailed designs, beautiful patterns, something that I thought wasnt really my style, so I was a little put off. But once I stopped focusing so much on it being a wallpaper it came much easier to me. I needed to stop thinking, I must do something that looks like a real wallpaper,  it wasnt something people were going to put up in their houses, it was just about making some good designs! I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed printing, definitely something I will do again. And I was actually pleased with my finished piece for once which is a rarity! The only thing is there should have been more of it, but at least I feel more confident than I did at the start of the project. Though towards the end I enjoyed it, I am happy its over now, as I can start something new feeling more positive and keep up to date with things and not get behind (famous last words...) no, Im gonna try really hard to keep on task!

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