Sunday 15 December 2013

Website research

The time has come around to start thinking about creating a website for ourselves. A place where our work can be presented in a professional way. I looked at Sarah Hankinson's website first off as she is one of my favourite artists. As soon as you are brought to the homepage, her work is there straight away (and lots of it). Its very minimal, plain white background and just her images with the options of different pages to the left. I love the simplicity of it, I don't like to over do things, Id rather it be reductive than too in your face straight away. It is easy to navigate and there is pretty much all the information on there that you would need to know.

Another favourite of mine, Kelly Thompson. Her website is a little different, it seems slightly more advanced, on the first page when you click on the website she has different pieces of work that move and when you click on them it takes you to a whole page of all her work. One of the things I particularly liked was that to the side of her page, she has an Instagram link, where you can see her latest pictures as they are uploaded- I thought id mention it as I personally follow her on this and I think its a good way to showcase work. I think its a really nice insight to someone in the illustration industry, she regularly posts new work and even late night deadline sessions! (something I can definitely relate to) So I think its important this is on her website, as you can see her updates as and when. She also has her logo at the top right, so whenever you want to go back to the homepage, you click on the logo and it takes you there. I also think its good to have a logo as in illustrator, I think it makes it more professional.

Artist Noma Bar's website, is literally just a page with his contact details on. I don't think this is ideal considering there is no other work on it except for what is on the homepage (which is only one thing). Even though you can pretty much get every artists work on google images, it still doesn't compare to having a proper website with all your work on, updates, F.A.Q's etc.

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