Wednesday 4 December 2013

What is Illustration?

" As our visual language evolves, the playing field is leveling. Graphic designers, sculptors, painters, creative developers, and even musicians amorphously meander across different parts of our creative industries. As a consequence, I often wonder what the term 'Illustration' now means. Maybe as a medium it might need to do more than vocationalise aesthetics and cultivate a border palate of profundity for its own survival."

Michael Salu
Artistic Director of Granta Magazine 2012 Varoom 

I think today, the term "illustrator" can mean so many different things. When I was younger, I would think of the term illustrator as someone who illustrates books and only books. Sometimes when I tell people I do an Illustration course, they almost always ask if its for books or comics. I think today, there are so many different types of illustration and many different ways of showing this and its ok to still be an illustrative drawer but I also think its important to keep updated with whats going on around you. I remember a discussion last year about how artists are starting to make they're images move, things are getting much more digital. I don't neseserily think every artist has to work this way but I do think it would be handy to know how to do it, especially in this heavily digitalised world that is constantly evolving and also if there was ever a case where you had to for a client. I think that about everything really, being an illustrator its good to have a knowledge (even if its only a little bit) of everything within the art world, it shows diversity.

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