Wednesday 5 March 2014

Fees and Invoicing Workshop

We had a workshop on fees and invoices, what to expect about being paid as an illustrator and how prices vary depending on what you do. So there are to ways fees are agreed at, one being the client tells you what the budget is or the client asks you want you will charge. There are a few questions that you should ask if you are faced with the second option. The length of time it will take to complete, how will it be used, the clients profile and of course, whether or not you want to do the job.

We then talked about the going industry rates:


  • Front cover - £350-£500+
  • DPS (inside) - £350-£400+
  • Half page- £200-£300+
  • 1/4 page- £150-£250+

  • Front cover- £450-£800
  • Reprint/new territory usage- 50% original fee

  • Brochure cover- £600-£800
  • Insides £150-£300
  • Spots- £50-£100
  • In house poster for PLC- £600-£800
Children's Books (usually based on pay/image rate)

  • just illustrating- £2500-£3000
  • educational = less v story = more

  • Fees vary dramatically based on the client
  • They want you for your style not your ideas
  • Press ads local/in house- £500-£700
  • Press ads national- £1500+
  • 48 sheet poster (billboard)- £6000+
We also talked about invoices and what to include on them (logo to make it personalised, invoice number, customer ref number, bill to name and address, your account details to be paid into, address/tel number etc). You should make sure to keep a copy of all your invoices and a record of all payments or outstanding balances. This was a helpful workshop and I now feel better about what to expect and how to handle money when doing a job.

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