Saturday 29 March 2014


We got a chance to go to London for 2 days to meet with clients and it was a fun/busy 2 days! We hopped on the (6 HOUR) coach to Victoria Station and made our way to London to firstly visit Daniel Moorey, head of print at Adam and Eve DDB.
He talked us through websites and what he prefers to see. He had the biggest list of Illustrators I'd ever seen! And a folder for each different style, was amazing! He mentioned to keep it simple, not have too many things to look through to actually get to your work, agents/clients are not interested in anything else but that and they want to be able to access it quickly and simply, as no one has the time to click through 3 title pages before actually getting to your home screen. And of course making sure your contact details are clear.

On the second day, a few of us got to meet with the daughter of Abram Games, Naomi Games. With him being one of the most influential graphic designers of the twentieth century, I felt rather special to be in the presence of all his original work. The vast amount of it was literally insane! It was so amazing to see it actually right in front of you, see his work process, how he was thinking/what he was thinking. And the skill of it, wow, I can't even begin to go into it. So incredibly talented. As I said, I felt rather lucky to be able to look through all his original work, if it were to be in a gallery it would have been such a different experience, so a super big thank you to Naomi Games for letting us come and see everything and for also being the best host, we even got to have a coffee in the cona coffee maker, it was very cool (see below).


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