Wednesday 12 December 2012

On the Map

To start off the brief in which we have to map our weekend, I went to the library and found a wonderful book called "You Are Here" by Katherine Harmon. It is a full of personal geographies and other maps of the imagination. I really love it! There are so many different ways of creating a map in here, ones I never would've thought of myself, its got me excited to try some new things and get cracking with it! Also had a look on where I found a few more interesting things. 

Monday 26 November 2012

Good morning

Thursday 22 November 2012


After years of wanting to go, I finally got the chance to visit New York (!!!!) with my Illustration course (and "school" trips are always the funnest!). I got the chance to visit so many amazing places, MOMA, Times Square, Grand Central Station, The Met, Stand Up NY, just to name a few. We were even so lucky as to meet a few Illustrators in their own homes, which was literally the best and amazing to see where they create they're work, there was so much to take in it was a little overwhelming at times (in a good way of course) but none the less a great experience. It also snowed whilst we were there which made it even more magical! I definitely need to go back to New York and plan to at some point in Summer 2013, yay!

Oh and heres some snaps from the trip, just a few as I took 600+, whoops...

Friday 19 October 2012


I decided to go down the screen printing path as a pose to animation. I had never screen printed before and the process looked a little daunting, but I was definitely up for trying it out! My first experience was printing on a scarf (just a play around with printing, nothing serious). My choice was between printing my designs on a scarf or as a wallpaper. I was really indecisive as to what to do (on my project proposal you will see the words scarf and wallpaper written about 5 times, all scribbled out, oops) but I decided to do a wallpaper. I literally had no idea where to start, I looked at wallpaper patterns to get a feel for it, but most of them were intricate, detailed designs, beautiful patterns, something that I thought wasnt really my style, so I was a little put off. But once I stopped focusing so much on it being a wallpaper it came much easier to me. I needed to stop thinking, I must do something that looks like a real wallpaper,  it wasnt something people were going to put up in their houses, it was just about making some good designs! I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed printing, definitely something I will do again. And I was actually pleased with my finished piece for once which is a rarity! The only thing is there should have been more of it, but at least I feel more confident than I did at the start of the project. Though towards the end I enjoyed it, I am happy its over now, as I can start something new feeling more positive and keep up to date with things and not get behind (famous last words...) no, Im gonna try really hard to keep on task!

Current workspace

Thursday 18 October 2012

Alta Moda

Dolce and Gabbana recently debuted their couture line "Alta Moda" a collection of 73 one off, exquisite handmade pieces. I literally fell in love as soon as I saw these gracing the pages of Vogue! I thought I would include them as they come across quite fairy-like to me, in all my sketches of fairies,  they have this headband of flowers on and when I saw these I was like ahh! So beautiful, I wish I could wear that dress for the rest of my life.


Just found these fairies on good old Google images and they kind of reminded me of Alphonse Mucha's work I previously spoke about! Just thought I would share it...

I Wonder

This book had so many wonderful designs and patterns in! The cover itself is beautiful. I thought the page with the stars and moons on would fit well with my project, as The Fairies are linked to fate and destiny, that page and what was on it just gave me a feel of destiny for some reason. 

The 3D process

I was happy with the outcome and really enjoyed making them. Be aware that at the beginning stages they did not have wings and don't look very fairy like!

First try minus the black lipstick

+ black lipstick

 Fairy number 2!

Doll number 2 sporting what seems to be some sort of masking tape pencil skirt...that needs to be changed! 

Ahh wings, at last!

3D Model

When I found out we had to create a 3D model, I did get a little worried, as 3D/Sculpture etc has never been my strong point. I did panic a little at the thought of having to make something, but after talking about the different options of 3D, it didn't seem all that scary. I hear 3D and I automatically think woodwork, workshops, noisy machines, no, no, no! Anyway, at first I was thinking about making something fabric based, but then the thought of making something out of a found object came to me. My initial thought was to do something with Barbies (okay, dolls from the pound shop). I didn't know how well it would work out, but I think it went pretty well in the end (I hope!).
I wanted to create some sort of dress made out of paper/newspaper/tissue...I wanted this kind of texture/look in a dress...

At first I got a little carried away with wanting to make it pretty and typically "fairy like" sequins, glitter, that sort of thing, which I did indeed use, but I had to keep remembering the bit of the story that says "Such fortunes hold their perils; a Fairy, once its whim is satisfied, may deal death to its lovers." which made me think about putting a darker twist on the doll. I did this by making her have a somewhat "gothic" look. I also didn't want to just stick a standard dolls dress her, I wanted to make something that would look worn and eroded, something less pretty.

In doing this it reminded me of what I did for my final piece at A Level...

After I had done my first doll, I got a little obsessed and went straight out to buy another! I could seriously sit and make a collection of these just for fun.

How to tell...

I thought this was cute :)

Alphonse Mucha

I looked at the work of Alphonse Mucha for inspiration. To me his work has a magical feel about it, I felt it worked well with the whole fairy theme, I love the whimsical patterns and colours. Another thing is the font, its enchanting, I may have a go at recreating it for this project...

The Fairies

After reading a few of the stories from The Book of Imaginary Beings, I found that "The Fairies" attracted me the most.

               "They meddle magically in human affairs, and their name is linked to the Latin word datum (fate, destiny). It is said that the Fairies are the most numerous, the most beautiful, and the most memorable of the minor supernatural beings. They are not restricted to a particular place or particular period.
                Ancient Greeks, Eskimos, and Red Indians all tell the stories of heroes who have won the love of these creatures of the imagination. Such fortunes hold their perils; a Fairy, once its whim is satisfied, may deal death to its lovers. 
                          Fairies are fond of song and music and the colour green."

Friday 5 October 2012

I seem to have neglected my blog for a while...

time for that to change and get some stuff on here!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

One of the clips i chose to freeze frame and draw from. The scene where the lighting gets darker behind him and everything seems to disappear and become out of focus, i thought this would be good to draw and look effective but as i continued drawing i found it didn't really go as well as i had hoped...but i gave it a try!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Sense of place

A few images to create a "sense of place" for the Summer project...

(sorry about the pictures being awfully placed, either iv not worked out how to place pictures properly on here yet or Blogspot just wants to ruin everything and make it looks messy!)