Friday 24 January 2014

Major Project (Update 2)

This is some of the work I've produced since changing my project. I'm quite happy with the outcome so far and enjoying working with this subject. I've also started getting into type and I'm really liking the effect that is left when done with letter stencils and watercolour. One thing I need to work on though is some of the watercolour paintings are very light, some just look like a first wash of colour has been applied when they are intended to be the finished painting. I need to figure out a way of making them stand out more without losing the watercolour effect, I don't want to just draw over them as they will look to heavy, I need to find something in between that works, because at the moment they just seem to disappear. And also invest in some watercolour paper, it makes all the difference. Gary and Ian suggested I make my own stencils so I'm going to have a go at doing that and see what happens!



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